A Chinese cyber rumble in Kathmandu

Arrest of over a hundred Chinese nationals indicates how Nepal's financial system is facing security challenges. The detained Chinese group had inflated rent payments, operated private companies for illicit activities, and em…

कालापानी क्षेत्रबाट भारतीय अतिक्रमण हटाउन तथ्य प्रमाणसहित तत्काल कूटनीतिक पहल थाल्न सरकारमाथि दबाब

भारतीय उपमहादिपमा शासन गरिरहेको तत्कालिन अंग्रेज सरकारसँग नेपालले गरेको सुगौली सन्धीले नेपालको सीमा निर्धारण गर्छ । सोही सन्धीको धारा पाँचले कालि नदिको मुहानको पूर्वतिरको भाग नेपालको रहेको उल्लेख गरेको विज्ञहरु बताउँछन् । जसको मु…

In BIMSTEC, push for SAARC

Historic Modi-Sharif handshake during 18th SAARC Summit raised hopes for better India-Pakistan relations. Despite initial optimism, regional cooperation stalled; 19th SAARC Summit postponed indefinitely due to India-Pakistan tens…

Avoiding debt trap

China seeks to break Indian monopoly in Nepal on hydropower and other infrastructure development projects Image From Republica National Daily. Two months ago, my Sri Lankan friend at Pondicherry University told me: “Hambantota wa…

Shuklaphanta timber for Kasthamandap reconstruction

KATHMANDU, Dec 21: The government bodies have taken initiative to use timbers from the Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve of Far Western Region for the reconstruction of the historical Kasthamandap Temple. The temple located on the …

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